Effective Risk Oversight by Boards of Directors is more essential to modern Organizations than ever before.

Course Content

The program consists of four dynamic sessions taking place over two weeks. Using a proven process, program participants will work through Case Studies and Group Activities, and leave ready to take on Risk in all its forms.

  • Risk Management Principles and Practices - Understanding hazard, operational, financial, and strategic risk concepts. Learn to identify, analyze, and treat risks. Explore processes, frameworks, and techniques for monitoring and reporting on risks, utilizing risk management standards and guidelines.

  • Risk Assessment and Treatment - Explore methods for assessing risk and identifying appropriate treatments for risk minimization. Study theories of accident causation, root cause analysis, the application of various strategies for treating risks, and how to motivate risk treatment within an organization.

  • Risk Mitigation & Financing - Examine the selection, implementation and monitoring of risk financing and mitigation techniques. Explore subjects such as transferring risk through insurance, and other forms of protection.


Principal Dr. Chris Bart, FCPA, F.CIoD, C.Dir

Dr. Chris Bart, FCPA, F.CIoD, C.Dir is the Chairman and Co-Founder of the Caribbean Governance Training Institute in Saint Lucia. He is also the Founder of The Directors College where from its inception in 2003 to 2013, he served as its inaugural Principal and Lead Professor. Currently, Dr Bart is the CEO of Corporate Missions Inc – an international consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations excel in the execution of their strategies. He has also authored several books including the 10 year Canadian business best seller (2003-2013), “A Tale of Two Employees and the Person Who Wanted to Lead Them” as well as the widely acclaimed publication: “20 Essential Questions Corporate Directors Should Ask About Strategy (2013) – 3rd Edition”. A retired Professor of Strategy and Governance, Dr. Bart currently serves as Associate Editor of the International Journal of Business Governance & Ethics and he continues as a Research Fellow of the Asian Institute of Corporate Governance at Korea University. He is the recipient of numerous awards including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his service to Canada. Dr. Bart is listed in Canadian Who’s Who.

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