Anti-Money Laundering Certification Program

The Anti-Money Laundering Certification Program consists of 4 on-line modules of approximately 3.5 hours in duration each.

  • Day 1: Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing Background

  • Day 2: Anti-Money Laundering & Anti-Terrorist Financing Regulations

  • Day 3: Account Related Activities

  • Day 4: Setting Up a Compliance Regime

Payment Options

With CGTI Online Programs you are given the option to Pay Now using your Credit Card or Reserve Registration to pay via a Wire Transfer.


Program Leader Marcel Mongeon

Marcel Marcel Mongeon is a lawyer qualified in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec (now retired) as well as New York State in the USA. He is a Registered Patent and Trade-mark Agent in Canada. Marcel is also a deputy judge in Ontario, often sitting in courts outside of his home community of Hamilton because of his fluency in French. Marcel runs and is the principal instructor for, his own firm offering online Continuing Professional Development for legal professionals. He is an experienced international speaker and seminar leader in many areas, including governance, mediation and arbitration, negotiations, business strategy, and IP management. As a Chartered Mediator (C.Med.), Marcel brings his more than 30 years of experience negotiating and mediating solutions to the table. His practice focuses on complex cases involving corporate and commercial matters, real estate, technology, and insurance disputes. He is known for his principled, adaptive approach to the mediation and arbitration process.