Business Continuity Management Certification Program
CourseCGTI's new "Business Continuity Management Oversight for Board Members" program will equip Directors with the essential knowledge and skills needed to oversee Management's plan for maintaining business continuity in the event of an emergency.
Human Resources & Compensation Committee Certification Program
CourseYou’ll orient yourself to the LATEST perspectives that must be learned by Committee members if they are to fulfill their duties and obligations on behalf of the Board as competent and courageous committee members.
Audit Committee Certification Program
CourseThis is an essential MUST ATTEND OPPORTUNITY for members of Audit Committees and those who serve Audit Committees to maximize the effectiveness of your 21st Century Audit Committee.
Risk Committee Certification Program
CourseBoth the private and public sectors require boards who understand how to identify and deal with negative risks and identify positive risk opportunities. Now is the time to gain the risk oversight skills boards wants and needs!
The Chairmans Course
CourseThe Chairman has a critical influence on a board's (or committee's) style, composition, balance and performance. This popular course provides a unique opportunity to review the Chairman’s role in light of best practice.